It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
It's full colour the whole way through, it's on high glossy paper, completely Illustrated, as you can tell by the cover they pulled out all the stops with this one.
I got this book in a batch of books from a volunteer run information organization. I had actually completely forgotten about it until the mail man knocked on my door to hand it to me. Upon opening it I realized that Oh.. wow apparently the organization does what it says it does, and with little to no press.
Needless to say I wrote them a very nice thank you. Its not often you see people do that kinda good just because they can.
They make next to no money on this book, especially considering there is no copyright and they offer up the high glossy files to whomever wishes to make copies and an address to obtain more free copies.
You'd think with something so "free" there would be something negative to say about it but in this case there is nothing.
I found this book highly informative, well written, with lots of information both in what was written in the book but also their footnotes.
This is one of those books that I think should be given to every person on the planet because it shoots down so many of the misconceptions that are out there and helps someone with a little bit of curiosity in them find a starting point about Islam.
Which can be something that's difficult especially for those in a small city with no mosque near by.
Whats covered in the guide:
Some of the science in the Quran
The Benefits of Islam
And as a last chapter - General Information on Islam
What it is, Beliefs, How one becomes a Muslim, and touches on some of the real truths that get misconscrewed in the media. Islamic policies and beliefs on issues such as Women, terrorists, and the elderly.
Honestly if nothing else that section should be printed and tucked in every mail box because people seem to be too ignorant to figure out what is coloured in the media by hate and whats not.
It never ceases to amaze me just how little people understand about the lives and ways of those who follow Allah.. I had a reminder the other day when I hada friend ask questions about it, another make an assumption and an ignorant sound when the television showed a man praying with his head to the floor.
But little by little it gets better as we slowly start breaking down walls in our personal lives with people.. but books like this help.
Its my belief they should also be more readily available, its a shame they're not.
But I can understand the flip side of it.
I would recommend this book to everyone.
Educational, and light yet packed with information.
Very well put together. Also including reference pages to gather your own information once you have completed the booklet.
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