"The best jihad [struggle] is (by) the one who strives against his own self for Allah, The Mighty and Majestic," Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad)

Sunday, January 31, 2010


So the family ended up coming and it ended up being one big farce. They stayed for an hour.. after that long drive, what is the point?
I was definitely hurt, I know had it been my sister, that she would have stayed for the night - nothing would have got in the way of that.

I have no more future plans to go out of my way to try to make her see me anymore or make her want a daughter/mother relationship anymore. Her true emotions come out every time she pulls something like this. She meant every word she said in the past about how she feels about me.

So be it.

So i curled up with my coffee cup and put on the Quran reciter to just listen as I right.
I got the CD I had been looking for yesterday Yusuf - Roadsinger (ex Cat Stevens)
I love it.
Listened to it 2x while I caught up chatting with a friend online and put it in while I went to bed last night.

My house is cleaner at least - I am trying to think positively but its hard. Hard because Im still hurt.
Maybe one day.

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